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  • 俊匯管理顧問擁有優秀的團隊

    JPMC has an excellent team

  • 俊匯管理顧問提供高效的培訓

    JPMC provides effective training

  • 俊匯管理顧問促進卓越的績效

    JPMC facilitates performance breakthrough

  • 俊匯管理顧問培育傑出的領袖

    JPMC nurtures outstanding leaders

Interim Project Manager Service

Under the philosophy of Continuous Improvement, enterprises have to from time to time enhance their business and improve their operations, aiming at maintaining their competitiveness. They may be in need of short-term additional resources and relevant expertise to manage their change programmes. To this end, our interim project manager service is an ideal and cost-effective solution. It can meet clients' pressing needs for both expertise and resources but clients need not to establish any permanent positions.
Our interim project managers will help clients:
  • Establish project implementation teams
  • Define project plans and targets
  • Monitor project progress
  • Report and resolve issues, if any
Interim project manager service can bring in the following advantages to clients:
  • Project managers can be in place within days
  • Experienced project managers can enhance the chance of success and cost-effectiveness
  • Project managers are unencumbered by the culture and politics of clients, improving the efficiency of implementation
  • Service is result-oriented
  • Relevant know-how will be transferred to the staff involved in the projects
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